brillient! is the leading independent boutique investment publishing house in Australia. brillient! specialises in collaborating with selected research analysts, investment managers, authors and academics to publish innovative, independent professional development services for Australian and New Zealand portfolio construction practitioners.
Established in Sydney in 2002, brillient! is headed by Graham Rich, Publisher, and Deirdre Keown, Managing Editor. They have, collectively, over forty years of relevant and successful experience in publishing investment information services and in effectively communicating complex content.
brillient! was the first and is still the leading publisher of a unique multi-media mix of independent professional development programs focused on portfolio construction, under the masthead of PortfolioConstruction Forum, including live events and web-based podcasts, videos, research papers, articles, commentary and other resources.
Our people

GRAHAM RICH – Publisher
Graham is a pioneer of retail managed funds research in Australia and New Zealand, and of financial planning in New Zealand. He started his financial services career in New Zealand in 1975, and in 1983 began his own business delivering the first financial planning, funds research and professional development services for financial advisers. After selling his funds research business to Morningstar to enable it to establish in Australia and NZ, Graham founded brillient! in 2002 and through it, PortfolioConstruction Forum, the first and still leading independent professional development service for portfolio construction practitioners, enabling better quality portfolio construction knowledge and skills.
In 1983, through his private company Fiduciary Ltd, he launched the first financial planning firm in New Zealand. Since then, Graham has established, built and sold a number of innovative businesses in Australia and New Zealand, offering wealth management professional development services and publications, including funds research and ratings, magazines, software and training – as well as providing strategic planning and marketing services to many more. In 1985, he also initiated and was the founding chairman of New Zealand's financial planning association, of which he is a life member. In research, Graham founded and was for 18 years CEO and publisher of FPG Research, the first retail fund data, research and ratings company in Australia and New Zealand. During this time, the business expanded from NZ to Australia, initiated and introduced fund data collection and distribution, and in 1997 launched fund star ratings to investors, advisers and fund managers. In 1999, FPG Research was joint-ventured with Morningstar Inc, a US fund research business, and changed its name to Morningstar in Australia and New Zealand to enable the Morningstar brand to establish. At the time of his departure in late 2001, the business dominated the retail managed funds data and ratings arena in Australia and New Zealand. Morningstar Inc fully acquired the Morningstar Australia and New Zealand business from Graham Rich's Fiduciary Ltd interests in 2007. In 2002, Graham established brillient!, a boutique independent investment publishing house with a unique multi-media mix of professional development programs under the masthead of PortfolioConstruction Forum.
Graham is known for his innovation, independence and entrepreneurial flair, and is a regularly sought after speaker, facilitator and commentator. In 2012, Graham was recognised as the inaugural recipient of the "Outstanding Contribution to the Financial Advisory Profession" award by New Zealand’s professional association for financial advisers, the Institute of Financial Advisers.
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DEIRDRE KEOWN – Managing Editor & Producer
Deirdre is the brillient! Managing Editor, responsible for the day-to-day publishing functions of brillient! This includes product development, management, publication, distribution and promotion of the brillient! professional development services.
Deirdre has worked in the Australian and New Zealand wealth management industries since 1993. Following two years as a marketing analyst with a New Zealand funds management company, Deirdre began working with Fiduciary Ltd, a New Zealand-based provider of a range of wealth management professional development services and publications. Her role included participating in and then leading the marketing services team for Fiduciary's research, magazine, software and training businesses. From 1997 to 2001, Deirdre was Head of Publishing first at FPG Research and then at the same business when it became known as Morningstar Australia and New Zealand. In this role she was responsible for product development, management, distribution, and subscriber training, along with publication, public relations, and subscriber communications in Australia and New Zealand. In addition, she managed the database operations, providing fund data on some 6,000 funds to 80% of buyers of managed funds data in Australia and New Zealand. She was also part of the team that created the first star ratings model for funds in Australia and New Zealand.
While Deirdre held these responsibilities, Morningstar became the most prominent and respected retail funds research brand in Australia and New Zealand.
Deirdre is known for the rare combination of exceptional analytical and communication skills across the wealth management space. This, combined with her passion for publishing and lateral thinking, led to her part in the 2002 establishment of brillient!
Deirdre has a Masters in Commerce with first class honours, with majors in statistics and marketing.
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Contact us
Brillient Investment Publishing Pty LtdPO Box R923, Royal Exchange NSW 1225, Sydney, Australia
Find us: Click Here >
t: +61 2 9247 0497
f: + 61 2 8221 9448
ABN 19 122 531 337
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